Wellness Write For Us
Wellness Write For Us – We are always looking for excessive contributors! If you’d like to write for us, please go through our terms; we only accept original wellness content not published elsewhere. We look for content related to a healthy lifestyle, so if you desire writing and health, get in touch! The quickest way to hear back is to submit the form below. Email is significantly slower.
Grow your online existence by contributing to the Health Fitness Champion Blog. We get traffic, backlinks, and experience to our rapidly growing community. If you have an idea for a guest post, please get in touch with us with your vision, a title, and a general outline of the post following our guidelines below.
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To Submit Your Articles, you can email us at contact@healthfitnesschampion.com
What Is Wellness?
- Wellness is following healthy follows regularly to accomplish improved physical and mental health consequences so that you thrive rather than survive. Understanding how wellness is related to health is critical to appreciate its significance. WHO describes health as “a complete physical, mental, and communal well-being and not only the absence of disease or infirmity.”
- The basis of wellness is having sound mental and physical health. Since mental and physical health are connected, issues in one area may impact the other. Nevertheless, improving your physical well-being can also benefit you in different spheres, such as your mental well-being. Awareness of wellness is a deliberate, continuous, and comprehensive approach to making good choices for eight significant life-functioning areas is vital.
- The pandemic’s effects on every area of students’ personal and interpersonal wellness occurred in previously unheard-of ways more than a year and a half ago. The most obvious is going through life taking measures while being covered up and physically protected by the vaccine, but it has touched every aspect of well-being.
- Consider what it could mean to “Let Your Wellness Flow” right now with imagination, self-compassion, and shared knowledge of one another. The idea is not to indicate that we suddenly need to do more things to feel better, but rather that we have choices; fresh, upbeat methods to figure out how to be purposefully, holistically healthy while dealing with the effects of so much change and difficulty.
Types of wellness
Physical wellness
The worldwide pandemic has highlighted how chronic and acute stress are physically stored in our bodies. Increased fatigue, trouble sleeping, tension headaches, and body pains are typical indicators of persistent COVID-19-related anxiety or post-traumatic adjustment stress. We are all different; thus, we could have bodily sensations distinct from those of the people we know.
Spiritual wellness
A year ago, spiritual and religious societies started to provide services like preaching, prayer, and meditation—even hospital bedside visits—virtually. It caused a significant shift in religious and spiritual practice. Worshippers have lamented the loss of sacred places and social rituals, particularly during holy times like Passover, Easter, Ramadan, and other occasions when the neighborhood gathers to show support.
Social wellness
For some of us, the need for social isolation can feel perplexing and alienating, especially if a significant portion of our self-care has been social interaction. Relationships must provide the connection, understanding, and affirmation humans are inherently programmed to seek. Although our human attachment systems struggle with feeling less intimate, exerting more effort, and aggravating feelings of isolation and detachment, we may intellectually understand the value of keeping a safe distance and virtually connecting with others. It might be overwhelming.
Occupational wellness
Occupational wellness recognizes and utilizes the personal fulfillment and life enrichment gained via employment. This topic of well-being has undergone considerable redefinition and acceleration during the pandemic in areas relating to our workplaces. Occupational well-being suffers from not being in productive, healthful environments—morale and trust decline in the absence of collectively socially responsible behavior, explicit action, and communication.
Environmental wellness
Over the past six months, accessing enlightening space in our immediate and surrounding contexts has been crucial. We’ve had to move to the outdoors for group events, which is safer. When we need to maintain social distance, we frequently stay inside and minimize our interaction with others. The ability to assemble and interact happily and comfortably with people while working on a topic or activity emphasizes how crucial that space is. Our daily surroundings—the people, places, attitudes, and ideas—define our environmental well-being.
Emotional wellness
Surprisingly our stress is aiding in our ability to cope, connect virtually as much as possible, and control the virus’s spread. Even though unpleasant, it can help you become resilient, mainly if you handle it correctly. At the same time, it’s critical to maintain awareness and guard against spreading inner or external panic, schedule times when we can be calm and avoid using screens, and focus our attention on the tasks at hand.
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